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Does your organization have massive amounts of important paper documents sitting around on desks or file cabinets that need safe storage digitally? Gain peace of mind here!

Introducing, the new Docuware solution at Modern Impressions!

What is Docuware? We are a team of more than 450 thinkers, leaders, makers, designers, builders, supporters, and achievers — united by a love of technology and the desire to help our customers and partners succeed. Our flagship product converts your tedious manual processes into elegant digital workflows and transforms your disorganized files into findable, secure electronic documents.

Worker happiness, team productivity, and improved business performance are how we believe DocuWare can elevate every organization.


Check out this one-minute video briefly explaining Docuware

Here are some paper facts on the average organization:

  • On average, the cost in labor to file one document is $20.
  • Between 2% and 5% of an organization’s files are lost or misfiled on any given day.
  • Companies on average spend $120 in labor to find one misfiled document.
  • One out of every 20 documents is lost.
  • Approximately 25 hours are spent recreating each lost document.
  • Approximately 10-12% of documents are not found on the first attempt.
  • 400 is the number of hours per year the average employee spends searching for documents.
  • More than 70% of today’s businesses would fail within three weeks if they suffered a catastrophic loss of paper-based records due to fire or flood.
  • It takes an average of 10 minutes per paper document to retrieve, copy and re-file.
  • The average document is copied 19 times.
  • The average worker makes 61 trips to the fax machine, copier and printer.
  • 60% of employee time is spent working with documents.
  • 90% of a business’s information is in documents.
  • Each four-drawer file cabinet holds an average of 10-12,000 documents, takes up 9 square feet of floor space and cost $1,500 per year.

– Sources: Gartner Group, AIIM, US Dept of Labor, Imaging Magazine, Coopers & Lybrand

In fact, only 18% of companies today can be considered truly paperless. Scary, isn’t it? What’s even scarier are the BIG problems with using paper. Handling paper is cumbersome, impedes productivity, reduces operational efficiency, and costs companies money — and a lot of it.  One study estimates that the time wasted from processing paper costs organizations close to $20,000 per knowledge worker, per year. But that’s only half of it.  Gartner estimates that companies spend between 1 to 3% of their revenue on office printing. That doesn’t even account for the cost of filing, shipping and storing documents— let alone the cost of the actual paper.

The security risks

An annual report submitted to Congress by the HHS’ Office for Civil Rights revealed that paper records account for 62% of data breaches in companies of over 500 employees.

What are the benefits of a paperless office?

  • Reduced operational costs
  • Digitizing internal paper-based systems reduces printing and other operational costs:
    • Storage costs: There’s no longer a need to purchase filing cabinets or use valuable floor space to store paper or keep hard copies for future reference
    • Copying and printing costs: With digitization, you don’t need to create multiple copies of a file for distribution around the office. You can use a digital document management system to store one copy in a central place, for easy access
    • Business process costs: Because you’ve transitioned from manual to automated workflows, you streamline business processes and save money. For example, optimizing workflows can lead to faster payment collection and a reduction in purchasing costs
    • Security and data recovery costs: Securing your data to multiple locations is easy and inexpensive. Recovering that data is even easier, with no impact on business continuity
  • Regained time for productivity
  • Better security and compliance

To Setup Your 100% Free Docuware Demo, Contact Us:

Charlotte: 704-597-7278

Greensboro: 336-275-8629

E-mail: [email protected]